I remember quite clearly getting spanked in the womens bathroom at the hall. My mom would always get us to the hall late so we would sit up front. We were always getting in trouble for not sitting still and my brothers and I would giggle or some other kid-like thing and then get hauled into the back to "get it".
I remeber watching an Elder and his son, he was like 3, running after the meeting and his dad grabbed him under the arm pit as he was trying to run by. I remember his father spanking him so hard that he actually flipped up and almost flipped over his dad.
I asked my Mom why Jw's don't have Sunday school for the kids and her lame answer was that in Jesus' day the children sat and listened in the Synagogs. When I started to bring my son to the meeting he was 2 1/2. He didn't know how to whisper and he didn't think he had to. It makes me laugh now but at the time I was so embarrassed. I wouldn' spank him and I was "talked to" by the Elders.
The best time I remember was when this guy was studying and he brought his 4 year old son to the meeting- Theocrapic school I think, and the kid walked up on stage and the dad wouldn't go get him. I rolled!